Clinton is a Climate Smart Community
In October 2024, the Town of Clinton was designated a Climate Smart Community at the Bronze Level.
Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. As a town completes actions that help mitigate climate change at the local level, they are able to progress through three levels of CSC certification: bronze, silver, and gold.
The Town of Clinton created a Climate Smart Community Task Force in 2018, and the Town Board adopted the CSC pledge in the spring of 2021, officially registering us as a Climate Smart Community.
The CSC Task Force meets monthly to pursue goals that will qualify the town for the first level, Bronze Certification. You can follow their progress here.
Goals of the Task Force
The goals of the CSC Task Force is to develop a strategy and work plan for establishing a baseline for the town’s current emissions to:
Recommend ways to reduce emissions
Identify strategies for increasing energy efficiency
Suggest ways to incorporate these strategies into the town’s economic development and planning efforts
Benefits for the Town of Clinton
In addition to the environmental benefits of reducing carbon emissions, becoming a Climate Smart Community can help the Town in many ways.
Reduce energy costs can reduce town taxes
Receive state and federal assistance in adopting low-carbon technologies
Secure grants to add more solar panels to the Highway Department Salt Shed and the Town complex on Centre Road
Cut federal and state taxes for individuals through solar credits/rebates
Attract economic growth by enhancing the Town’s reputation as an environmental leader
Improve air and water quality
Increase energy independence and security
Provide an opportunity for residents to use Clinton’s collective buying power and scale to provide 100% NYS-generated renewable electricity supply and services aligned with our needs via participation in the Hudson Valley Community Power CCA.
Enhance the community’s reputation as an environmental leader
Why Now?
According to NASA, 97% of scientists agree that man-made greenhouse gasses are very likely triggering the dramatic changes in weather- and climate-related events that we are seeing today. The evidence that indicates we’re in trouble is growing.
Every country, state, town, and citizen needs to work urgently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save our planet for our children and grandchildren. The Town of Clinton is proud to join the Climate Smart Communities Initiative.
The CSC Task Force consists of an open number of members with staggered two-year terms and includes a local government official, local government staff members, residents, and other stakeholders.
Term: Jan. 1, 2024 to Dec. 31, 2024
Joseph Phelan, Chair, Member of CAC
Charles Canham, ZBA
Todd Martin, Highway Superintendent
Term: Jan. 1, 2023 to Decc 31, 2024
Jean McAvoy, CAC Member
Richard Marshall
Melissa Karchmer
Jack Persely
Stan Orser
Ken Pickett
Jim Metcalf
Eliot Werner, Town Board Liaison
Questions? Contact Joe Phalen, Climate Smart Task Force Chair, at csc@townofclinton.com.