Completed Items
Pass a resolution adopting the CSC Pledge (July 7, 2017)
Create a CSC Task Force (2021)
Appoint a volunteer CSC Coordinator
Become a designated a NYSERDA Clean Energy Community
Create a Natural Resources Inventory
Provide climate change education to the community
Promote clean energy and climate initiatives via the town’s social media
Ensure recycling bins are in government buildings
Conduct a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory on town buildings
Evaluate town policies for climate resilience
Completed a Municipal Clean Fleets Inventory
Pending Items
Solar energy installation
Create a Climate-Resilient Hazard Mitigation Plan
Create a Government Operations Climate Action Plan
To take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate, the Town of Clinton intends to submit an application for bronze-level certification in the New York State Climate Smart Communities (CSC).
The criteria for getting certified is divided into twelve categories. Each category includes a list of actions a community can take, and each action gets you a certain number of points.
To qualify for bronze level certification, a town must reach 120 points. Some of those points must come from a few required items, and some must come from items designated as “priority” criteria. The remaining points can come from a combination of other items on the list.
The CSC Task Force, working closely with Cornell Cooperative Extension, submitted the town’s application for Bronze status in July 2024 and was awarded Bronze Level certification in October 2024. Read the town’s press release here.
“We’re really elated to be informed by the DEC that 3+ years of hard work by this volunteer community committee has come to fruition,” Clinton CSC Task Force Chair Joe Phelan stated. “However, this is only the first step in making our beautiful rural community more environmentally active and responsive, thus tackling the results of climate change head on and benefitting the daily lives of local residents.”
This new distinction unlocks State funding opportunities for future Town projects by giving Clinton an enhanced score on certain grant applications. Michael Whitton, Clinton Town Supervisor stated: “We are excited for our Town to be identified and certified by the DEC as a Climate Smart Community. We will now be able to address additional community needs related to protecting and enhancing the integrity of the Town’s environment. The NYS DEC’s acknowledgement of the work throughout our Town that has been addressed thus far will be an impetus for us to expand our capacity to continue to meet these needs through access to additional grant funding.”
To achieve Bronze certification, Phelan and the other members of Clinton’s CSC Task Force planned, implemented, and recorded a variety of Town-based actions, which are listed below.
Climate Smart Community Status: Bronze
Questions? Contact Joe Phalen, Climate Smart Task Force Chair, at csc@townofclinton.com.