Zoning & Conservation
Town of Clinton Municipal Zoning Law
The Zoning Law is periodically updated taking into consideration the plans and maps below.
PDF: Consult the Zoning Law BEFORE you buy or develop your property
Farmland Protection Plan and Maps
October 2010 by the Open Space Committee
Farmland protection is commonly defined as the permanent preservation of agricultural land to ensure its future use by the next generation. But it is more than that to the residents and farmers in Clinton. Farmland protection is also about the people who work the land. If the agricultural endeavor is economically viable, both the farmer and the farmland will be preserved. Those are the major goals of this plan.
Clinton Open Space Protection Plan and Maps
October 2011 by the Open Space Committee
The Town of Clinton defines open space as any space or area characterized by natural scenic beauty or, whose existing openness, natural condition, or present state of use (including working and historic landscapes), if retained, would enhance the present or potential value of abutting or surrounding development, or would maintain or enhance the conservation of natural, agricultural, cultural, or scenic resources.
Significant Habitats In The Town Of Clinton Report And Maps
December 2012 by Hudsonia Ltd
The Town of Clinton engaged Hudsonia Ltd. to conduct a town wide habitat mapping project. The overarching goal of the project is to help land-owners and town agencies better understand our biological resources and develop land-planning strategies that promote development where it causes the least harm to sensitive habitats and species, protecting the most ecologically important areas.
Town Of Clinton Comprehensive Plan
January 2012 by the Comprehensive Plan Committee
The Comprehensive Plan for the town of Clinton is designed to be used as a guide for managing growth and change. It consists of planning principles and maps that express the community's objectives for the town's future. The plan takes into consideration the wishes of those who answered the Community Values Survey.
VISION STATEMENT: The Town of Clinton desires to maintain its rural character, consisting of natural landscapes, native ecosystems, working farms, small hamlet-scale development and historic structures, while preserving its scenic quality, and to do so in a manner that continues to promote its small-town atmosphere and quality of life.
Online Mapping Tools
Preserving Clinton through Conservation Easements
A conservation easement is a voluntary, legally-binding agreement that limits certain agreed types of uses or prevents development from taking place on a piece of privately-owned property, now and in the future, while protecting the property’s ecological or open-space values for future generations. It enables owners to keep their property to live on and use their land. The easement is usually maintained by an agency, which holds the right to enforce the landowner’s promise not to develop the property. There are two not-for-profit organizations dedicated to this preservation for the public in Dutchess County. To learn more about conservation easements, see: Dutchess Land Conservancy and Winnakee Land Trust.